How do I hide or change my name?

How do I hide or change my name?

First, please note that HelpACop campaigns must be tied to an individual, and they must have their full name appear on the campaign. HelpACop campaigns cannot be used anonymously; this policy
How do I change my email address?

How do I change my email address?

Important: Please note that updating your email to someone else’s address may cause issues with your account. If you want to transfer your entire account to someone else, Contact Us for
How do I add pictures or videos to my campaign?

How do I add pictures or videos to my campaign?

Your HelpACop campaign can have pictures or videos in two places: Your ‘main image’. This is what appears at the top of your campaign. It’s also the image that will
How do I edit my campaign?

How do I edit my campaign?

You can make various changes to your campaign by using the ‘Edit’ button. You can edit: The campaign story The goal amount The campaign title Photos or videos Add, replace or